home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Copyright (c) 1989-1994, Steve Krueger and Doug Walker, Raleigh, NC. */
- /* All Rights Reserved. */
- /* NOTE: Define the preprocessor symbol NOOLDDOS when compiling to */
- /* save a little space if your program will never be run under */
- /* AmigaDOS 1.3 or earlier. */
- /* We need _USEOLDEXEC_ to ensure that the extern SysBase isn't used */
- /* to access exec.library. Since we're mucking about with our near */
- /* data register, we don't want to rely on near data to make exec */
- /* calls! */
- #define _USEOLDEXEC_ 1
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "amiproc.h"
- // Functions defined in the SAS/C® library to run autoinitializer
- // and autoterminater functions
- void __stdargs __fpinit(void);
- void __stdargs __fpterm(void);
- // Data items defined in the SAS/C® library and possibly overridden
- // by user code. __stack gives the desired stack size, __priority
- // gives the desired priority, and __procname gives the desired name
- // for any new processes.
- extern long __stack, __priority;
- extern char *__procname;
- extern char __far RESLEN; /* size of init data */
- extern char __far RESBASE; /* Base of global data */
- extern char __far NEWDATAL; /* size of global data */
- extern const char __far LinkerDB; /* Original A4 value */
- extern struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- extern char *_ProgramName;
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- BPTR __curdir;
- static struct DosLibrary *MyDOSBase;
- #define DATAWORDS ((ULONG)&NEWDATAL) /* magic to get right type of reloc */
- static long _CloneData(void)
- {
- ULONG *newa4;
- ULONG *origa4;
- ULONG *reloc;
- ULONG nrelocs;
- struct WBStartup *wbtmp = _WBenchMsg;
- char *pntmp = _ProgramName;
- BPTR cdtmp = __curdir;
- // Allocate the new data section
- newa4 = (ULONG *)AllocMem((ULONG)&RESLEN, MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if(newa4 == NULL) return NULL;
- // Get original A4 value
- // This points to the UNMODIFIED near global data section
- // allocated by the cres.o startup. This line of code
- // will also generate a linker warning; ignore it.
- origa4 = (ULONG *)((ULONG)&LinkerDB - (ULONG)&RESBASE);
- // Copy over initialized data
- memcpy(newa4, origa4, DATAWORDS*4);
- // Zero uninitialized data
- memset(newa4+DATAWORDS, 0, (((ULONG)&RESLEN)-DATAWORDS*4));
- // Perform relocations
- // The number of relocs is stashed immediately after the
- // initialized data in the original data section. The
- // relocs themselves follow.
- origa4 += DATAWORDS;
- for(nrelocs = *origa4++; nrelocs>0; nrelocs--)
- {
- reloc = (ULONG *)((ULONG)newa4 + *origa4++);
- *reloc += (ULONG)newa4;
- }
- // If your code has >32k of near data, RESBASE will be 32k.
- // Otherwise, it will be 0. The A4 pointer must point into
- // the middle of the data section if you have >32k of data
- // because the A4-relative addressing mode can handle +/-32k
- // of data, not 64k of positive data.
- newa4 += (ULONG)&RESBASE;
- putreg(REG_A4, (long)newa4);
- // Set up a couple of externs that the startup code normally
- // does for you...
- SysBase = *(struct ExecBase **)4;
- MyDOSBase = DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library", 0L);
- _WBenchMsg = wbtmp; // Copied from old data section
- _ProgramName = pntmp; // Copied from old data section
- __curdir = DupLock(cdtmp);// cdtmp copied from old data section
- return (long)newa4;
- }
- static void _FreeData(void)
- {
- // Free the current directory lock
- UnLock(__curdir);
- // Close the local static copy of MyDOSBase
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)MyDOSBase);
- // Free the new data section we allocated
- FreeMem((void *)getreg(REG_A4), (ULONG)&RESLEN);
- }
- struct FAKE_SegList {
- long space;
- long length;
- BPTR nextseg;
- short jmp;
- void (*func)(void);
- };
- struct AmiProcMsg { /* startup message sent to child */
- struct Message msg;
- int (*fp)(void *); /* function we're going to call */
- void *global_data; /* global data reg (A4) */
- long return_code; /* return code from process */
- struct FAKE_SegList *seg; /* pointer to fake seglist so */
- /* can it can be free'd */
- void *UserData; /* User-supplied data pointer */
- };
- static void process_starter(void)
- {
- struct Process *proc;
- struct AmiProcMsg *mess;
- __regargs int (*fp)(void *, void *, void *);
- proc = (struct Process *)FindTask((char *)NULL);
- /* get the startup message */
- WaitPort(&proc->pr_MsgPort);
- mess = (struct AmiProcMsg *)GetMsg(&proc->pr_MsgPort);
- /* gather necessary info from message */
- fp = (__regargs int (*)(void *, void *, void *))mess->fp;
- /* replace this with the proper #asm for Aztec */
- putreg(REG_A4, (long)mess->global_data);
- /* Allocate a new data section */
- putreg(REG_A4, _CloneData());
- /* Run autoinitializers. This has the effect of setting up */
- /* the standard C and C++ libraries (including stdio), running */
- /* constructors for C++ externs and statics, and running user */
- /* autoinit functions. */
- __fpinit();
- /* Call the desired function */
- /* We pass the UserData parameter three times in order to satisfy */
- /* both PARM=REG and PARM=STACK function pointers. Since we have */
- /* declared the local 'fp' to be regargs, the three parms will go */
- /* into A0, A1 and the stack. If 'fp' points to a regargs func, */
- /* it will get its parm from A0 and all is well. If 'fp' points */
- /* to a stdargs func, it will get its parameter from the stack and*/
- /* all is still well. */
- mess->return_code = (*fp)(mess->UserData, mess->UserData, mess->UserData);
- /* Run autoterminators to clean up. */
- __fpterm();
- /* Free the recently-allocated data section */
- _FreeData();
- /* Forbid so the child can finish completely, before */
- /* the parent cleans up. */
- Forbid();
- /* Reply so process who spawned us knows we're done */
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)mess);
- /* We finish without Permit()ing, but it's OK since our task */
- /* will end after the RTS, which will break the Forbid() anyway */
- }
- // AmiProc_Start - launch a new process with a specified function
- // pointer as the entry point.
- struct AmiProcMsg *AmiProc_Start(int (*fp)(void *), void *UserData)
- {
- struct Process *process;
- struct MsgPort *child_port;
- struct AmiProcMsg *start_msg;
- BPTR in, out;
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- struct FAKE_SegList *seg_ptr;
- #endif
- int stack = (__stack > 4000 ? __stack : 4000);
- char *procname = (__procname ? __procname : "New Process");
- start_msg = (struct AmiProcMsg *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct AmiProcMsg),
- if (start_msg == NULL)
- return NULL;
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- if(SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version > 36)
- {
- seg_ptr = NULL; // We're not gonna use this, so null it
- #endif
- if(!(in = Open("*", MODE_OLDFILE))) in = Open("NIL:", MODE_NEWFILE);
- if(!(out = Open("*", MODE_OLDFILE))) out = Open("NIL:", MODE_NEWFILE);
- /* Flush the data cache in case we're on a 68040 */
- CacheClearU();
- process = CreateNewProcTags(NP_Entry, process_starter,
- NP_StackSize, stack,
- NP_Name, procname,
- NP_Priority, __priority,
- NP_Input, in,
- NP_Output, out,
- child_port = process ? &process->pr_MsgPort : NULL;
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- }
- else
- {
- /* We're running under AmigaDOS 1.3 or earlier. */
- seg_ptr = (struct FAKE_SegList *)AllocMem(sizeof (*seg_ptr), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (seg_ptr == NULL)
- {
- FreeMem(start_msg, sizeof(*start_msg));
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Fill in Fake SegList */
- seg_ptr->space = 0;
- seg_ptr->length = (sizeof(*seg_ptr) + 3) & ~3;
- seg_ptr->nextseg = NULL;
- /* Fill in JMP to function */
- seg_ptr->jmp = 0x4EF9; /* JMP instruction */
- seg_ptr->func = process_starter;
- /* create the child process */
- child_port = CreateProc(procname,
- __priority,
- (BPTR)((long)&seg_ptr->nextseg>>2),
- stack);
- }
- #endif
- if(child_port == NULL)
- {
- /* error, cleanup and abort */
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- if(seg_ptr) FreeMem(seg_ptr, sizeof(*seg_ptr));
- #endif
- FreeMem(start_msg, sizeof(*start_msg));
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Create the startup message */
- start_msg->msg.mn_Length = sizeof(struct AmiProcMsg) - sizeof(struct Message);
- start_msg->msg.mn_ReplyPort = CreatePort(0,0);
- start_msg->msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- /* replace this with the proper #asm for Aztec */
- start_msg->global_data = (void *)getreg(REG_A4); /* save global data reg (A4) */
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- start_msg->seg = seg_ptr;
- #endif
- start_msg->fp = fp; /* Fill in function pointer */
- start_msg->UserData = UserData;
- /* send startup message to child */
- PutMsg(child_port, (struct Message *)start_msg);
- return start_msg;
- }
- int AmiProc_Wait(struct AmiProcMsg *start_msg)
- {
- struct AmiProcMsg *msg;
- int ret;
- /* Wait for child to reply, signifying that it is finished */
- while ((msg = (struct AmiProcMsg *)
- WaitPort(start_msg->msg.mn_ReplyPort)) != start_msg)
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- /* get return code */
- ret = msg->return_code;
- /* Free up remaining resources */
- DeletePort(start_msg->msg.mn_ReplyPort);
- #ifndef NOOLDDOS
- if(start_msg->seg)
- FreeMem((void *)start_msg->seg, sizeof(struct FAKE_SegList));
- #endif
- FreeMem((void *)start_msg, sizeof(*start_msg));
- return(ret);
- }